Sunday, October 22, 2006

A field trip to Burnaby Lake

Neat tree sitting in the sunlight, calling to me to snap a photo.
Pausing to feel the peacefulness of the surroundings, it was assignment, they had no choice!
A blond Canada Goose
The boy, and his favourite buddy from elementary school to his left, and further ahead in the centre of the photo.. the boys newest buddy in class. These three were inseperable. Interesting thing is... the buddy to his immediate left is a girl, who he has gone to school with since he was three years old.
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Art said...

Lovely pictures!

Anonymous said...

They will marry...mark my words!

A blond Canada Goose? Doesn't she know that brunettes have more fun!?

Nice pics Dee! I had a "London Fog" the other day and thought of you...hope things are going well?!