Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Oh thank you dear husband for buying me a breadmaker for Christmas / my birthday... I never did figure out for what event you bought it for.. all I know is that I own one.. and you use it. At all the wrong times. Like now... it's 11:30 at night... and the loaf of bread is fresh out of the "maker"... and now somehow I am just simply "starving" for a fresh 72.7 % whole grain ( I made up the numbers) warm bread, with just a touch of "Becel" resting upon a lovely thin slice. Oh thank you... like I need to eat a piece of bread at this hour... but, since I will simply die before morning if I do not have a piece... I can see your masterplan has served you well... but I know your tricks, and I will "die another day"... for I am just about to get the biggest sharpest carving knife for hot bread you have ever seen... and quietly sneak off to bed... oh the torture...


Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

Deanna, you should have called me - I've had a breadmaker under my cubbard for years gathering dust. I remember it now and again when they put a bunch of bread making boxed stuff on the clearance isle at the store. Then I make one "not quite big enough for anything really" loaf and forget about it for another year.

I would have mailed it to you - really. Along with my juicer, my blender, my cuisinart thingy that takes so long to put together and then take apart that it's way easier to use a knife, um, give me time for a quick inventory and I'll box it all up and mail it your way!

riskybiz said...

I can smell the bread from here!

We cleaned out a cupboard and found a food processor. We don't know where it came from. Along with the toaster oven it yours!