Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The love that never stops:

I was talking to a friend earlier and she kindly reminded me of a story that I forgot to tell. Actually this is a true story... that happened because of a friend and a friend... if that makes any sense!!

It was Valentine's Day... and as a good wife I should either find a meal, or make a meal, or have a meal for the lovely husband that cleans the kitchen, does laundry, makes bread, and then prepares dinner and does other useless tasks that make a difference all the time. That's right.. a wife would find a dinner... somehow... so, being that kind wife... I did just that. Well, I did just that, after of course I had coffee with a friend, and she told me that she was preparing some fancy-Salmon-type-thingy.
"Oh, that's right.. it's Valentines Day.. so the "Thank-You" card I got him isn't enough?" I ask her in the Starbucks parking lot. My friend stands and stares at me...
"I don't want to know your thoughts"... I think to myself.
But on that note.. she brought to light a simple fact... making something for your hardworking husband is nice... OK, I'll go with that.

I immediately went home.. a number of hours later.. after I did some junk.. and found a roast that was defrosting in the refridgerator (the husband had taken it out)... and proceeded to cook it.. in only the way I know how.. until the thermometer read "Well done".. once again I thought to myself "Well done Deanna... you have cooked yet another well done roast"...

So, on that day filled with love, romance and gushy thoughts... my Mr. Husband man gets a warm roast, a Thank-you card... and last but not least... leftovers from the previous nights dinner that he made himself.... Shepherd's Pie... I may have fallen a bit short compared to my fancy-Salmon preparing friend... but I didn't want to put my poor Mr. Husbandman into complete shock... I'll save the fixins for a roast beef dinner for another night... we do things differently around these parts.. or at least I do... he must still like me.. he brought me flowers, and listened to me when I told him.. dont' buy me a card!

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