Sunday, February 20, 2005

Living on the quiet side...

As long as I remain here, in front of this computer screen... I will remain undetected, I think. Mr. Husbandman is busily folding laundry in our bedroom, as I sit here slouched quietly in front of this big bright computer screen... but as he is used to the familiar clicking of the keys.. if I stop now... he will investigate the silence.... and I can't let the silence separate him and his piles of laundry. He is just so good at doing these tasks late at night... it's almost as though I give him my OCDish tendancies late into the evening. ... and that's not a bad thing... so as long as I sit clicking ... he will not find me. I have a slight problem though... I have nothing to talk about.. and, the conversation that I was just having with two separate people on MSN have gone their own ways.. as I should. But, being the coward that I am.. I must remain here... to stay safe from the piles of laundry. Mr. Husbandman has been by once to investigate who I could be talking to... but there was little info given out... it's all quite secretive you know... sshhh, he's coming...

1 comment:

Ozfemme said...

You mean not only does he fold laundry but he puts it in piles? Wow.
No really.
You did good when you married that one!