Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sooo... I am thinking...

Is it too cold in your house when you can see your breathe?

The furnace doesn't get turned on until a certain KINGLY someone cleans it out. I believe our little world of people that inhabit the home are looking forward to that event, especially the popsicle blogger person, who shall remain nameless, but none-the-less most obvious.

If another post is never written; feel free to assume that this person became a ice encased blogger girl.

I know the family and "all their fancy warm-bloodedness" will just step around the iceberg and complain...."that momda is certainly taking her time on her computer turn!".... " I wonder when momda is going to make my chocolate rice milk?"......"momda.. come here... I need to show you something...!"

They might not notice the predicament I will have found myself in....

Hopefully the KINGLY one will swiftly sparkle up the furnace. I believe I will leave a post it note on his laptop this evening.... "the furnace is calling your name..." That might give him a hint.

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