Monday, April 27, 2009

No Honey Pots in the City...

In an effort to "get away from it all"... we went for a drive into the city last night. Nothing beats driving around in the city in a 19 year old jeep... it might be 20 now.. who knows.

More importantly.... it's just fun. I am not sure if the actual ride is fun... or it's the chicklets that ride around in the back doing their antics that make it fun... not sure. The Fuss brings Prance, which then The Boy brings to life with his voice, but uses it for Prance, the stuffed animal dog to replace our long gone dead dog Cicely. Not that we couldn't just speak in normal voices... but then again.. maybe we can't. Everybody is used to talking to Prance. She asks questions.. and we answer. The collective WE being the husbandman and myself. there are times when we use the open windows of the jeep as the ultimate insult... as in she is tossed out, and therefore will forever more live in silence. Prance generally quietens down after that... but only momentarily.

So... I didn't get back to my favourite loitering place yesterday, with the exception of the morning. I think my stash of honey pots will have to wait for another day....

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