Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy GOOD Friday

I will pass along to you.

This morning has brought nothing but contemplation and procrastination.

That's OK, because yesterday at this time I was just leaving the hospital in Vancouver.

It's nice to sit back and reflect!

I found it weird to be a commuter though. I skytrained it into Vancouver, just so I didn't have to find a place to park the Mazda5. First I drove into New West and parked the car their, then hopped on board the people mover. I really give it to people that do this on a daily basis. It seemed a surreal existance that a body of individuals made up masses, and dispersed in all directions. We are a human anthill... with the exception that we don't kill people and bring them home for dinner.... OK... some people kill people, and leave them for other peoples dinners of late... but in general not the average populace.
This past number of days has been oddly productive, yet unproductive. I have to admit that I became ultimately human on Tuesday when I did not attend my walking group, but in fact, contemplated going until the given time, and then when I decided that my head was pounding a little too hard, and the nose wouldn't quit running long enough to stuff another kleenex up it... I should just call off the whole "daily routine", and start again later, ... when I could manage to walk around my house not wearing my sunglasses, with out lights on. Guilt from the absense of your daily routine begs you to reconsider.... and I did not... until I had to go and fetch my beautiful PIP from her school. That is when I forced the routine of grocery shopping onto her. She's only happy once she has been fed and watered... which I quickly took care of... otherwise... she is kind of lioness-ish if she doesn't keep to her feeding and watering schedule! The sister managed to manuever myself and little lady PIPster off to "my much disliked but generally funny adventures to Walmart".... which was very quiet for a change. Perhaps it's a way of breaking in the PIP to thinking that this is somewhat of a normal place.... well, tonight was trickery of trickery... as it was just that... NORMAL... which is a complete 180 to our regular walmart adventures.
Wednesday started out with promise and projects.
Nothing like making TWO attempts to get a criminal record check done only because I need to drive the PIP and three of her friends across town five minutes away to the arts village. ... because you know.. my time is worth nothing... and the gas that I put in my vehicle doesn't cost me anything...

AND.. because I wanted to qualify that thought I drove to Pitt Meadows to the SAFEWAY their because at the bottom of my grocery bill it said that I had amassed $97.45 dollars in gas credits. I went to test the theory.... only to discover that I got 7 cents of a litre, and continued to waste my time driving around the country side.

I stopped in at Costco because their garden store is open.... I bought a pewter cat planter for the front door.... because the noseless plastic cat "sculpter" needs a friend. OH.. alas.... I arrived at the book section.... and because I need to make up rules in my life .... BECAUSE people OK.. just get that I NEED little rules in my life... GAWD.... it just so happened to be my father's birthday... and because it is his birthday I had made the rule... (before he had died, or after he had died... not really sure actually...)... that I would buy a book in memory of him... because that is what I bought him for all his birthdays... because what do you buy a man that two loves in life are(were) to drink & read.... (not including my mother... because he really liked her first... although the drinking part probably proclaimed itself as being first and foremost....)... ANYWAYS... there I was at Costco... desperate to find a book... "oh for christ sake..., (there's that religious in me coming out again...)... there has to be a book that I can buy.... surely ... something... something... something that doesn't kill a woman, or put woman in a position of being/feeling powerless... something that doesn't have much to do with death or sadness, or dogs dieing.. or babies dieing, or young mothers dieing... or about the roots of where is.lam is from, or the sadness of others womans tales from being oppressed...... GAWDDDDDD..... ( oh my ,highly religious here....or hysterical ... you choose...)... there has to be something. NOPE. I did consider the newish Ken Follet book.... i might still buy it... as I heard it was even better than Pillars.... and I really liked that.

I walked away with my cat tin full of flowers, a cruise through the redundant scrapbooking aisle and a package 170 piece tissue paper ... and even at that I am not sure that I like the colours.... (I thinks it's still a good deal Debbie!)...

BUT... in an effort to not be defeated... I made my way to home depot.. and bought two white heathers... and came home and quickly shuffled about my front yard garden patch. I think it now looks quite cute... I just need to water it, and watch everything grow. Of course I have to be quick on the watering detail... as it rains here... but it doesn't rain under the eaves.... and everything is quite dry... BELIEVE that!

I surveyed the back yard for any signs of life from my bamboo trees... I think they have met their demise.... so now I need to come up with a plan to FILL a large huge portion of my backyard with something. WEll... garden portion that is... not like a whole back yard.

The hamsterson made his way to piano via me... where he learned a new page of his bohemian rhapsody... so now that he has it memorized... he will play it.... but up until that point... there is no way in the world that he would have played it... AND he wouldn't even try... I am used to this... no SHOCK here.. although ... the day he takes to reading and attempting music on his very lonesome... (rather than hearing & watching)... I will go into heart failure... so I hope he knows the number to nine one one at that point.....


Thursday was adventuresome... a nice neurologist, a visit to St Pauls... which could have easily have been r.c.h. (exactly where I parked my car), then later,... 2 litres of fluid later & a visit to an ultrasound tech rounds out a good day. Not including a visit to the pub with our chicken wing friends... which even though I really really wanted something else... I still enjoyed the chicken wings. I don't even know if I knew what I wanted anyways.... it's a new day here now... and I still want something... but so far,.. it's been an apple. What the HELL!! ( OH... that's bad religion on such a GOOD day....)


And now today... the very GOOD Friday of all.... I woke up early.. and listened for rain.. RAIN was the indicator to the adventures that were to begin taking place.... like BEGIN has any meaning in my vocabulary today...

I guess I should have prefaced the BEGIN with... the day will start AFTER beginning it with a blog... which is where I start it now....

PS remind me to write about my hockey game experience....because I will truly forget... really...

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