Monday, October 20, 2008

Just by chance...

I happened to look at my facebook the other night. I am glad I did.... I was just settling in to drink a glass of wine, of the smooth red stuff... when I realized that I was supposed to be somewhere... like a grad reunion.

It was pretty funny actually.... one moment i was settling in after a disappointing bear searching expedition.... and the next moment I am scrambling out the door with almost bad hair, and in the need for a fresh coat of lipstick, and had to shift gears as in who was I going to run into through out the night. There weren't any surprises of finding people, and I could only count on one hand the small number of people that the age monster had been attacked by. There were two men especially that were completely given the fountain of youth as a graduation present, that was quite impressive.

As with any reunion it was nice to connect with some people that had made their way to other countries and back again. I of course revealed the very fact that I had gone nowhere and done nothing, apart from the obvious. I am a poster girl for boring but happy.

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