Tuesday, October 07, 2008


That is how many airmiles I collected yesterday. It's kind of a psychotic ritual to be obsessed with the whole airmile thing, but I am.

Eventually one day I will go somewhere. Even if I go alone.. I will still go somewhere. Or maybe I will just start buying gifts galore.. for me. Well, not really.. as the items that airmiles has for awards are not really the things that I am wanting, or... I would just rather pay cold hard cash to get the item for a cheaper deal than the billions of dollars (that equate to airmiles)that I pay for it at Safeway.

It was a bit tricky getting the 280... but you know ... they had some other little deals imbetween the 100 bonus airmiles (if you spend one hundred dollars). I was pretty close... and spent 107. I figured that was a fair enough. I will not include the other trip I had to make later to save-on to buy some feminine hygeine mind you... damn me, and my forgetfullness.

Onto the weather:

Nice outside!

The hair:

OUCH. Looking as crazy as the owner. Hoping for ONE colour soon.

The house:

Usual state of sort of-upside-downness. I guess that is what happens when 4 people live here. Oh wait.. but one doesn't live here... one resides here... and doesn't leave a trail (but doesn't rhyme with tail)... let's guess the name on that one. Perhaps my airmiles could buy me a housekeeper for a year... that would be good for just the girls room alone.

the car:

Went through the car wash last week. It was all shiny and indigo blue looking. Unfortunately, we have trucks that like to haul dirt around these parts, and then I promptly drive on these roads all week long. My cleanliness state lasted all but one day last week. I was sort of on the highly agitated side as I had to look at my now dirty car every time I got into it... and yes.. I know theere are larger issues that make the lives of others complicated more so than a filthy car... but in my little tiny spec of the world this is what made me nuts for the moment. I think I am over it now.. as it made me feel better to go and spray my car in the rain the other day.. just so I would stop obsessing over it. I could have got out the car washing equipment, but you know.. that would have required a real effort on my part... and I am not even sure if I am allowed in THE KINGS work space anyways...

the city:

sent them almost hate mail last week. I didn't mean to.. but they too touched a nerve in my soul. They forgot to pick up a number of garbage containers on and around our street last week. It shouldn't be a big deal... and they didn't forget to pick up mine, so I wasn't even complaining about that. I merely stated that their mix up could potentially end a black bears life, at a time when the tri-cities are already in a state over the amount of encounters & deaths that have occured in the last number of months. I also added as a sidebar that this street does not need to live through another back yard death, like what happened last year. Ouch.

The dog:

She was most put out on Friday night. She didn't have her "event" which she attends. She dithered about bumping into the husbandman like a wobblehead or something.. and he had to explain to her that it was raining, and there were just no activities that she could sleep through in her rickety blue chair. I think this Friday is supposed to be better... hopefully... as I think maybe the husbandman when through withdrawal or something not drinking his quota of beer, for him and his friend.


I am highly crazy.. and this extra strong coffee is not helping. Highly crazy with caffiene... is this really a good combination...? (as I take another sip). Sure, why not. I know they let people out on daypasses way crazier than me....

The camera:

I need some autumn shots. I need some photo opps. Other than the firemans behind. I haven't downloaded that.. I am hoping that it is alright for my "selling sight"... because you know.. I might just make another $1.15...

Back to the weather:

Starting to look iffy for the walking group... we shouldn't be walking around in crazy weather, with a crazy leader... or should we....?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are definitely a "crazy" woman!!

Have to say though....love, love, love your photos!!!