Thursday, September 04, 2008

Happy skies, all blue

I love the fall. Wait, it's summer. Yes, that is correct... after a number of weeks of horrid grey skies and flower killing plunging rain, the blue skies are back. And I'm happy. Too late for the flowers currently living wiltedly in my containers. I was out in the back yard garden that NOBODY sees, except me, or if you happen to wonder back yourself yesterday. I was milling about throwing dirt around, raking bark mulch, fixing flowers and conducting new plans for next year. This summer isn't officialy over for another two and a bit weeks, and I already have plans for next year. Oh well, just another three seasons to go through.

My neighbour that looks like my other neighbour from a slight distance came over yesterday and SPRAYED my lawn with harsh chemicals that I have been trying to avoid for the last year. (Ever since the weed/grass killer I put on the lawn BY ACCIDENT). It was this time last year that it looked like I owned a cheetah lawn spread, mind you the spots were brown, with green backing, so a bit different. Hopefully this will cure all the rampant weeds that are infesting my lawn, and making me completely unhappy. I think I would have been in a true state of unhappiness before this had I been cutting the lawn. But now that we have a very capable and almost willing participant cut our lawn, it has decreased my weed anxiety issues. However; I do walk over the lawn, and see the shambles anyways. I am extremely happy about my current state of chemical warfare. Some would argue that green is green, so it's all good. But it isn't... grass is grass is grass, and should be free to grow as grass, and not be infiltrated by things with little purple flowers, and wicked masses of clover... because I do not like clover that is all over. At all!

The PIPPY wore a beautiful jean SKORT to school today. This one fits her. Her current jean skort which she has had for two, maybe three years now is pretty much DONE. She has been wearing it on a constant basis, and is clearly in love with it. Todays' skort was on the loose side, and even more shrilling of a bad look, close to being baggy. (In reality.. it was a skirt with inset shorts that actually fits her). Hopefully she will get the feel of her new clothes, and continue to wear them... because her and her killer cuteness, along with her pink and orange slingback flats were adorable. If only I could have had HALF the cuteness that she has been blessed with! I took a picture of our street this morning... this was cute.. two girls waiting at the edge of the driveways waiting to be picked up by the PIP, where she meets one friend, and then walk down three houses to pick the other friend was a cute sight to see.

Oh in other blue sky events that could raise some eyebrows:

I coloured my hair yesterday. It's deep chestnut brown, with a top hint of dark brown for added flavouring. It's a bit dark... almost too dark. But guess what.. it isn't grey, or bordering on orange... so I do not care... as long as I am not looking in a mirror. (Review mirrors are a killer).

I must be off... it's been silent here this morning, with only the coffee pot working out its jitters from the heating element. All this for 8:00 in the morning. Too weird.

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