Friday, September 12, 2008

Adjusting my brainpower:

The little Miss Pip stayed at home today. She has a sore throat. She looks kind of sore throatish. You know.. the squeagy eyes, and the lethargy, and the silence, and the not wanting to eat anything, and the messy locks hair, and the fact that she was up at 0715 and has been sitting in the big blue chair for 3 hours.

Hmmmm... and to think that I asked her if she was sure she couldn't go to school. Oh my PIP.

The boy on the otherhand got himself all fancied up with his favourite shorts, and favourite shirt (which didn't match today!) and the "do" and marched off to school. He will create humour and chaos in his path. I think it will follow him home, in the form of five other boys. I asked him why he couldn't just bring one friend home.. ... "CAN'T", were his words.

Currently I have a massive headache... but there is blue sky out there, and I was wishing to do THINGS, whatever that is... out there... perhaps I will reach into my magic cupboard of painkiller central, and vitamins and help myself to a bunch. Surely something should help me then... so I can get outside and do my junk... including taking a picture of the crows and buzzards on the swingers front lawn. I think I might wait and take that picture... and snap one in the evening.. when people have lawn chairs and are sitting amongst them all. Now that's a statement!

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