Thursday, February 12, 2009

What I see...

The PIP changed the desktop to this... she is claiming that she is not responsible. I claim that she is currently telling me bad stories.. because the father doesn't know how to do anything with "desktops", and the boy doesn't dig around in eagle photographs, and since the dog hasn't taken to the computer as we had hoped, my guess it wasn't her either... all except for the PIP.

This is a neat shot... it's taken along Coast Meridian midway up Burke Mountain looking towards Coquitlam, and further west. It looks lush enough... along the fence top... but wait.. if I take another step closer.. what is this that I see....? Oh yes... the sign of the times.... clear cut land and rows of homes.

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Susan said...

That's what I call hosnest blogging. Dont we usually tend to stick with displaying the pretty photos of our areas? I have actually had people contact me to find out more about life in Maple rIDGE BASED ON WHAT THEY HAVE SEEN ON MY BLOG AND CONSIDER MOVING HERE! Could they have me charged with fraud I wonder. I should show more of the sprawl and the shopping cART GUYS THAT SQUAT UNDER THE BRIDGE! Now that would make a good desktop!

Chaos is my Life said...

You and your did this on purpose, don't you? ;o)

Pippy said...

I did not put that on your desktop!!! it was NOT me i didnt even no u had that picture!!!