Wednesday, February 04, 2009

bad hair goes for a drive

That boy of mine must be growing.... again.

His back his sore, and he tells me is grumpy.... and he is very very tired.

I drove him to school this morning... otherwise I do not think I would have been able to get him their. He was happy for a warm chariot on this fine morning...

In other things not fine... that hair of mine is up to it's usual tricks... looking hideous, all the time.
I must colour it, and cut it... immediately....

Before I do that ... I decided that I needed a coffee... and since there is a starbucks drive-thru... I counted out my twenty dimes, and off I went. It's nice having bad hair, and having drive thru's... you still get what you want (more or less), even when you are looking the dowdiest of all.

The PIP is still home today with a nasty cold. I very much dislike not sending them... but I also KNOW how greatful I would be, if parents would think to do the same. Just yesterday someone said to me.. send her to school, that is probably where she got the cold in the first place... BINGO.. she was probably right... but it doesn't make it right to do the same.

Well.... must go do little housely things.... whatever that is......AND my other junk that I do.. because I am going to have an implosion in the brainspace if I do not get done, what I know I have to do today!

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