Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The meeting of the minds

The chicklets and I were talking last week, as we would normally do. At least I think that is what a normal household does... which would be to chat... but that is only a guess because this is the only household I know that also talks to a stuffed dog on a regular basis, so maybe my thoughts are a bit skewed.

Anyways.... I confided with the chicklets that I actually got their father to speak. In more than two sentences, and it didn't involve work, or his hideous jeep forum. I think as a direct result of feeding the man.

Then... the boy informed us that he to lead the father to talk, where he detailed the events, and his strategies for success.

The girl chimed in her very own success story of "getting the man to speak", and I thought it was highly amazing that she too was able to hold her own in a conversation with him.

You see... the screen may sit silent to those of you out there... but deep inside the split pea green of our walls, chatter boxes do prevail!

Our next meeting of the minds will take place in a random location & at a unspecified time, however; all data will be collected and distributed to those that are affected by the silence.

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