Monday, July 06, 2009

Monday weather

The boy is up... I am not sure why. It's not a school day... and its' 0810. This is a strange one.

He has given me his weather forecast...

"hugely creepy"

It's complete grey outside, some birds chirping, but otherwise completely silent.

A perfectly wierd start to a Monday morning.

Of course I can't figure out why he is up already. That's the real strange thing.


Susan said...

Thank god for robust undie collections! Hope you get over it soon.
I am up at my dads ridht now. Had his surgery on Monday and is feeling much better, but not home yet.
I will head home today though, leaving Heidi here to help Grandma!

Susan said...

WOW! It actually worked!
I havent been able to comment for ages here. Hmmm, Im on dads comp right now. I wonder if my comp has a bug or whatever preventing comments to you????