Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I'm all itchy crazy right now. It's my hair that is causing all the raucas, I'm not sure why it does that. Perhaps it is still moving in all the crazy directions, as I have done all day. Anyways.. enough of that...

The girl just got home from her friends house, it's 9:39 PM, and she just told me she has homework. I shrug my shoulders, what are we supposed to accomplish now? I had sort of hoped for homework during the school year, not at the end of the year, when they are in shut down mode. Oh well... she can fall out of her comfy bed in the morning and create some words on a page then, I am not driven to start something now... except a book for me!

I took a picture of the juice boxes that the boy pulled out of his backpack. There were 12 of them, and they were all full. I asked him the other morning about what could possibly be in his bag of tricks as his lunches were now hovering at the zipper level, so something must have been impeding the deep drop into his backpack. He claimed it was nothing. The grossest thing he pulled out was the bag of grapes that were swelling and dripping out of their baggy. It dripped on him the whole way home. Ick.

The girl hasn't begun screaming yet, but she will.... she is supposed to be putting her clothes on her deacons bench.. but I think she has gotten distracted. Yes, distracted enoughto find her way back out to me to tell me fascinating tales of nothing. That girl... I must go help her now.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

Homework at the end of the school year is just pure evil...why would the teacher do that?? Maybe she needed a few extra grades. Oh...what is a deacon's bench??