Wednesday, June 13, 2007

French Toastin Toxic!

I am very much in love with the "French Toastin" bread from Safeway. So much so that I stopped the guy stocking shelves and inquired as to where the label was one day. He told me that they had discontinued it, and that I was probably buying that last two loaves. I was horrified...! I explained to him the value of the "french toastin" bread, and the fact that there was maple and vanilla built right into the bread and when you toasted it in the morning it filled the house (in some cases this could be peoples kitchens, but since the husbandman and I stupidly decided to buy a "little" home it permeates through the home....) with that lovely smell. I pointed to the comparibly thick sliced "texas toast" and told him that this bread is just a badly sliced chunk of bread with no flavour, whereas on the other hand there are flavours and aromas built right in to the "french toastin" bread, and is instantly loveable upon first bite.

Much to my happiness, I have been back to Safeway a number of times over the past couple of weeks, and have been pleasantly surprised by the stocked and labelled shelves of "french toastin" bread... however I think I have reached toxic levels from eating it almost every morning. It really is exciting actually.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

I've never heard of such a thing...but it sounds great.