Thursday, March 05, 2015

ONe nut bar at a time

That is how one walks through life ....

I am the perfect speciman for a nutbar ... or at least presentation style resemblers such as that.

Which is fine .. especially when you leave the people guessing.

So in things that I have become addicted to:


My head sings clearer already. Even if it is a nutbar approach to the head clearing station.

The lady at the desk laughed at me today when I walked in the place, and immediately touched their orchid. I was checking out the soil moisture. Mine has almost kicked the bucket, and I haven't bothered figuring out their life span. Sighhhhhhh. Then after I was done, I told her that I best be off to get some coffee. She again chuckled that this crazed vibrant person cruised through the door sans coffee.

The nice massage lady noticed that I was minus the polar fleece today ... I said I was braving it up a notch since it was going to be 14 degrees that perhaps the polar wasn't necessary, although a down vest truly the next best thing.

And now .. its spring break .. and people take time off and shit. How hugely annoying. I would recommend that NOBODY get sick during this time ... all the doctory types have left the villages and headed for the resorts a plenty ... so it's best to slice and dice yourself in a resort right now .. cause all the fixer upper types are at the ready, drink in one hand, and a numbing instrument in the other! Ha. not.


That is the word I have been using. Alot. It demonstrates the level of pain that I am currently trekking around with. Sometimes I might even say extra bigly FWWWWA... with accent on the W.

I went to the Doctory Lady yesterday ... the poor ankle has some idiotic bug in it ... which is now just killing me off ... a lot.The bug drugs will kill it off ... and I will be back in business. THEN .... I will be off to join the gym ... cause I am nut-bar-ish like that.

Now I have embarked on something furtherly fun ... Im meeting my friend next week to discuss some paint splatter to happen ... on a canvas, or something ... and be all  juicy and creative .... and that's all the way into next week.

Maybe after I finish my book .... more laughter .... !!

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