Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lotso Nutso Loveso Notso

Found this in my EDIT file .... whew .. because really ... it's just something that shouldn't be missed!

Today would be Valentines Day.
A love filled event gone wildly afray.

Balloons, chocolate cakes, and sweets by the hour
nevermind the rainbow of bouquets of a multitude of flowers.

Scrumptious dinner by candlelight, where the eyes sparkle and dance,
Yes, a special time for love and romance.

In reality what we have is just another day,
and an excuse to be allowed to throw special love each others way.


Valentines Day at our house:

Helloooo out there ... (the house here's my cry),
fortunately for me ... I hear a faint echo pass me by.

The hum of the furnace starts the familiar sound.
Life in the real world .. where no one is around!

Happy Valentines Day!

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