Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I was going to write a list...

On actual paper, but I decided that it would be much quicker just to list it up here. At least I think it would be quicker to tap it out here.

It feels wierd to be home at this hour, as usually I am not quite finished walking with the walking group. Today was a different story due to the torrential downpouring of rain, including thunder and some lightening. Gee, how odd that people were a no show this morning. Me, I can be considered the mailman in these instances, as I show rain or shine.

I did manage to get a couple of errands done, so already I am ahead of the game. But knowing me, I am going to fall out of step VERY QUICKLY. It just so happens that I have started a book. So far this book is INCREDIBLY wonderful... I can't stop turning the pages. (Thank goodness the season finales have finished!...not that I watch a lot of TV) I had to finally put it down last night at 10:30, as I was just too tired to keep on reading.... not that I couldn't have kept reading.. it's just tha tI needed to absorb all of the words as they were laid out on the page, and their importance of remembering in the pages to come.

the boy is home from school today as it is a 'PRO-D' day. The girl didn't take kindly to this sort of wonderfulness, and she refused to go to school all of yesteray, and into this morning. She even started in with the fact that she had a sore throat, and a left over headache from yesterday. I told she didn't, made her an eggy sandwhich, and she was good to go. That girl... she could write a book of 1001 excuses that do not work for your parents...but you can at least try. She's a natural in this instance.

The thunder from this morning set "the little till" on complete panic mode ("little till" is our dog Ellpee, who has a new name every week). She has just barely managed to make it to the great outdoors only 3 1/2 hours later than her normal scheduled time. Talk about someone on a schedule, she panics if she can not be out by 0700 am everyday, and then fed by 0701 am. She also believes that she should start dinner antics at 3:30 PM everyday, just in case we forget her 5 PM dinner festival. She's quite the character.

I am unlist worthy for the moment. I think I will generate a manual version... that way I can carry it around with me while I am out.... it might be more convenient than hauling my computer around with me!
Here... I will give you a taste of what she is like on any given day when she isn't running around panicking about things... she is resting up for her next panic attack. Clearly she doesn't have issues of falling....

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