Monday, August 16, 2010

In other things way less time and life consuming:

  1. Afte a weeks worth of phone calls, managed to get in with the Dr....  to have a prescription filled... I wonder if I was really sick!
  2. Saw an amazing band yesterday afternoon... "Big Yahoo".
  3. Plants look a little too withered... I am hopeful that some loving caretaker will come and be their friend, as I haven't been a very good friend to them. Well.. as in I haven't fed them every 2 days...  BUT in fact have found these green pellety things that you just throw in .. that counts doesn't it?
  4. JimmyDean is looking ever so much different with his hippyhair. It's grown just past the top of his ears now. He looks a bit egg like in fact.
  5. Fusslina.. her hair is growing... she had developed a nasty hair pulling habit.. so her patches of hair are approximately three inches long... or shorter.
  6. I used the hair straightener the other day. I look very different.. almost unrecognizable actually... but then I put my glasses on. Oh. There I am.
  7. Decided I am a spinach junky. How many L's can you add in love?
  8. Mind you.. tomatoes are an LOVE IN as well - so add that to the list.
  9. Tsk tsk... not enough picture taking happening. What's my story on that... ? Will have to make up some sort of lies and tales to further answer that question.
  10. The track is currently closed, so I went up and down the set of stairs 30 times, and now it has become hot... I am NOT feeling the love to go back for a do-over

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