Thursday, October 23, 2014

What a great length of time.

This is somebodys birthday present !! It will arrive in days ... all canvased up and ready for hanging on the birthday persons wall.  They will be so excited!

So the above little photo is quite fitting for me right at this moment. Interesting that the very few bear pictures that I managed to even capture this year is the direction my life has turned.

I'm walking all on my lonesome, with a wounded paw, in a direction unknown.

Apparently it has been determined that I have cancer. Well, the consensus is that I have cancer, or the best guess is I have cancer... or the wind is blowing in that direction that I have cancer. Five biopsies later on my little right broken paw has left the doctors scratching their heads, including pathologists that refuse to resolve that what they are seeing beneath the microscopes is indeed cancer. The best I have got was it's "highly suspicious" ... well I am highly suspicious about lots of things ... like those ZOMBIES are real from the walking dead.... they really are!

So off I wander along a road where little is known ... and the road is long. I think I will drag my camera along for this ride, who knows what sights I will see as this journey unfolds.

1 comment:

Chaos is my Life said...

It can be a tough road to travel on your own....keep loved ones close to you!