Friday, August 14, 2009

wellawella's been a long time....

Since I have had anything to write....

I still don't..... ha ha ah ah ahha

OK.. so I bought the flat iron. It works completely absolutely wonderfully amazing on the little lady pipsters hair. MINE.. not so much. Now instead of curly frizz, now I have flat frizz. That's an accomplishment. I bought some products to make the hair shine, and to decrease the frizz. I'm still waiting for them to work. On the PIP they work great! Lucky me.

The boy had his X.Box returned yesterday. I will wait to see the new adventures in gaming.... with a GF. This should be interesting. He is a good character.... him and his ten thousand faces.

OH... and the maybe 12 year old furry girl (seen earlier playing her most favourite of sports... soccer... with a basketball) has now been officially named... "crow killer". She proudly stalked and killed a crow the other day. She almost got it into the house had the little lady pipster done some quick thinking and rose to the occasion to see what all the ruckess was out in the backyard... when she saw "the Till" aka "crow killer" making the mad dash to the house with the crow. The FUSS then screamed at "the Till" to get that out of her mouth... so off the "crow killer" bounced, and set it in the back yard. When I made it home with my random grocery list finding extravaganza... the "crow killer" was locked in her outside kennel with a fresh bowl of water. The best part was the look on the newly named "crow killers" face... she was smiling away, and her tail was wagging... and her paws were hanging out underneath the chainlink kennel fencing.... almost like she was pointing at her great fortunes. Too funny.... and now... since the greatest event in this dogs history has happened... she has decided to carry around " a black KONG" (the dead crow was swiftly removed AFTER the husbandman came home from work...) that she has ignored since we found the item. In fact... upon review of these pictures.. I think she was practicing on becoming the "crow killer"...

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