Monday, January 03, 2005

A List of things done:

Some things that have been done around here: (the bulk of which today)
  1. All of the exterior-house lights removed, all 700 bulbs.
  2. A loaf of bread has been baked (thanks to the king for the breadmaker)
  3. The laundry done once again... the boys bedding that is.
  4. The kitchen, livingroom, hallway and been de-christmasized, or "unx-mased", if that's your thing.
  5. The tree has been removed, and the tree stand disassembled.
  6. The 5 boxes of Christmas ornaments and such have been neatly organized into boxes and once again into their containers.
  7. The 5 rubbermaid containers have been removed and are now living in the garage for another 11 months.
  8. The top drawer in the dresser in the hallway has been cleaned out to make way for "flat" christmas ornaments.
  9. The livingroom windows have been washed, the whole space has been vacuumed out.
  10. The livingroom tables cleaned and dusted, and furniture returned to their pre-christmas resting places and plants have re-entered the area.
  11. OH, earlier a pot of coffee made, and the dishwasher filled.
  12. The computer desk pulled from the wall, and cables now zap-strapped together, and a vacuum out behind all of that
  13. A maze of cables plugged and unplugged to correctly install the new "SCANNER, PRINTER, COPIER" to user ability.
  14. The bathroom mirror washed.
  15. The house vacuumed, including the outside steps.. all two of them. (that is where the Christmas tree exited from)
  16. At this moment the front hallway mat being shook out, in the front yard.

It's been a very busy day around here... I'm certainly glad that this wasn't my list of things to do today. So far this is what I have accomplished:

  1. Wondered what The King was going to make for dinner.

1 comment:

Chastity said...

Good job on getting all of the Christmas stuff down before Halloween :).