Sunday, August 08, 2004

Always looking for something...

I am, right now..(self-imposed).... supposed to putting together a very powerful resume. Clearly that doesn't interest me... in the slighest... at all......what I should be doing is plucking my way through the thesaurus pulling out words that might describe who I am, my accomplishments, intriguing eye catching words that would make these people (aka the employer) feel like they have been missing out... for a real long time... but no... I am here... checking out my green bloggers of the world list... and looking for ways to make changes... to my blog... not to my person or my resume. I know myself... (because I have looked in the mirror a couple of times... ) and I will get up tomorrow morning and begin to throw words all over my current resume.... print and print and print... Oh, of course I will hiss and swear and his and swear, and probably slam some paper around, drink way too much coffee... be interrupted 39 times..and go to the bathroom twice... all of these tactics will work... after all, I am working with a computer... so, on that note... I will continue on my peaceful meandurings of blogging entertainment.. to await the torture that I will put myself through tomorrow side smile included with this one.

1 comment:

magz said...

he he he... know the feeling well! you know you got it bad when your very second thought about ANYTHING in your life is "Hey! Blogthis!" regards.. and keep it up!