Monday, January 18, 2010

Windy Wet West

Some people are really hoping for:

White, white & white.

The Olympics are how many days away.... and current conditions keep delivering rain, and now wind.

However... driveway conditions are now CLEAR! ... of mud and muck and other things that make me go ICK!

The rocks have been a success ... and I am hoping for more, perhaps I will bulkify the driveway with a couple more wheelbarrel loads this week. It was a very non-enjoyable event... and yet quite enjoyable all in one breathe.

I will wait for weather conditions to return to normal again before attempting this procedure... of course the husbandman wasn't interested in finishing off the job... only because he wasn't interested from the start.

In other things way less useful in life:

I bought a mini garbage can the other day... and now it can sit on my back step... like the other 5 containers.... BUT the difference is that this mini garbage can has a locking lid... that makes me most happy like... now the little rodenty type things that live and breathe in these parts will not make this a favourite on their nightly scourages. Not that they have made this a favourite's just not to tempt them... before all of the green leftovers make it to the back compost land. My other container finally gave up the ghost with a broken plastic lid... and I spent so much on the lollipop container it wasn't funny... ah ah ha ha hha

OH.. forgot to mention.... as windy as it was here last night... all our trees are still standing... for the momento...

I might need to make a new runner purchase this week. I have been walking the track like a crazy woman... NO I MEAN A REAL CRAZY WOMAN... and the runners are just not seeming too comfortable any longer. I wonder if they only have so many miles programmed into them...? They don't look to beat up, and the soul still has lots of tread. I think they might actually be too big now... and are rubbing in all the wrong spots!

My next adventure for this morning is to make my hair appear on the normalish side... since it was wind-whipped yesterday afternoon after my psycho walking adventure. So this is how it all went down... the sister calls me.. and tells me of her tales on the treadmill: how many minutes she walked, and then the incline that she moved it to... so then we determined that I needed to do the same, but at the track. So although I only walked 4 & 1/2 miles, and walked the stairs (45) ten times, the sister did not have the wind currents flying at her! Now on top of my hair just being straw.... now it is straw and wire combined. A combination that should not be messed with on a daily basis ( in regards to shampooing!)... so now I am left trying to curl it up, fuss it up, manuver it into some semblance of appropriateness... and I am not one to wear it up in a clip or ponytail... because it can't do that well either... with all it's wire-eee-ness.

Of course we will not even think about the windy wet west that is happening outside at this moment, which will undo all my doings in less than a heartbeat.

Best keep on with the management process... and other things relevent to this day.

I think I would wish to go and take photos... of what.. who knows.... that adventure will have to be saved for another day....


Pastrudel said...

Hi Deanna,

I wanted to know if you have been watching the Black Bear Den in MN. Bears name is Lily and she's about to give birth. There is a cam set up at the den opening. I thought of you just wanted to mention it. This is the link to Facebook fan page...

Deanna said...

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you


Pastrudel said...

Oh good, I'm glad I was able to send you this link then. I'm in the chat room if u come on at some point :)