Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Still in the night

The boy has put his foot down.... his size eleven and a half foot.

The cute GF called him... and he set the missykins straight. He wished some manlyman time.

Just him and his very tall friends.

There's probably six feet worth of feet sitting around that little den space.

Small house and big feet....it doesn't really matter... as long as they have their hands on the controls, and access to an "end cupboard".

Which is why I fed them a big bucket of popcorn.

I am an evil mother that travels the dark corners of her home.... in the knick of time... otherwise it would have been an empty end cupboard..


Chaos is my Life said...

"6 feet" huh?!?! Mine's only about 5'9"...with size 9 feet....mind you....I have a 5'3" boy with size 9 feet too...what does that mean is going to happen to the third munchkin??? Is "she" going to end up being 4'nothing and size 9 feet?!?! I do feel sorry for the man she marries...oh but wait...she says she "will not"..."marry" that is. Great....I'll end up with two kids living at home until they're 55!

Deanna said...

well... start popping popcorn for dinner... eventually they will leave...