Saturday, November 14, 2009

Some good... some BAD!

Excellent... except one is left feeling that raising children, working and providing for THEIR family alone isn't enough.... this fellow is incredible!
Well Janet... it's time to change it up a bit with the characters. I had a good laugh from one page. That was it..
Good! Very cute book, and a very quick read.
Bad.. bad ....bad...

OMG... hideous. I did however like the reading from around the Vancouver area.

Nicely done.. not sure if I could step into this fellows shoes... or any other relief peoples shoes in fact.


Chaos is my Life said...

Hey D....have you ever read the "Kite Runner"? Teddy's reading it in school...I know...shocker...but he is. Apparently it's really good and highly recommended...although a little's a true story. If you do decide to pick it up and read it...let me know what you think.

Deanna said...

I don't believe I have... which leads me to suspect that I have actually been avoiding it, although I know I have read the back cover numerous times... one day I may read it.

Anonymous said...

Glad you finally had a good night sleep. Maybe our 3 hour late night chat tired you out!
It makes me happy for you that you still find your hubby to be HOT even after all these years. As for me and my hotty, I find he becomes more studly every passing year.