Monday, June 06, 2005


I like music, I certainly can't tell you who sings the good songs of the world... but I like most of what I hear... except crap, oh- I mean wrap..oh, it's rap... really they should have just called it crap and gotten it over with.... anyways.... I had a little birthday shindig to attend last Friday night.. and I will not divulge who it was... that way they can remain ageless in time... I wouldn't want to let people know about the age issue... not that I have something with it.... (HA!)... so anyways.... I arrive at this little place in the country... thank you mapquest for getting me their... a place where I stepped back in time.. and not that far back that I was sitting next to a dinosaur or anything... but just back far enough so that the patrons were entertained with each others kareoke singing abilities... I have to say.. most of it was pretty good... very good actually.

Well, most, which was not including the fellow that was heading for retirement... sorry Mr. Newlyretired.. I hope you have some other activities in-store.. because kareoke certainly will not be your claim to fame.... unless you are singing at "the society for the lost batteries of hearing aids"... I am certain you would be a welcome sight there...

The birthday girl herself got up and sang a tune, so did her son, and lovely husband.. it all sounded great.... then the husband made the mistake of asking me which song I was going to sing.. Pardon me???... hello.... can't you tell by the look of me that the only place that I sing is in the vehicle at the volume level... "higher than the speakers can handle???"....obviously I have cleaned up well on that disguise...

On that note.. the sis has shown up... she has been working so I haven't seen her lately... but she's here now....she must want something... oh... IT'S USELESS TASK NIGHT.. AND THE HUSBAND ISN'T HOME... OMG!!!!

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