Thursday, February 24, 2005

If she can do it...

So can I. I can write the same thing that this nice lady speaks of. I have been thinking about this.. but I haven't gotten around to completing my thoughts... until now!

Last week... I was over my mom's house.. and we were putting back together her computer. She had been having quite a few issues with the beast... and had managed through the great turmoil that unfolded with my dad's last days to keep herself and her computer altogether. Last week was the last straw.. which is why we were putting her new computer with her old hard drive still attached back together. Then she receives a call:

"Oh, yes... I don't want to deal with that right now..." hangs up the phone and then continues... "I have been on hold long enough with this computer.. and I don't feel like dealing with him right now". I didn't ask any questions, and I continue to putter along fiddling with three dozen cords.

Feeling rather bad for my mom.. and not wanting her to be bugged by having to go "pick him up" I go later that day to pick up my dad from the funeral home.

"So, what are your plans for him?" the funeral lady inquires.
"Well, I was figuring on just putting him in the back of my SUV for now", I reply.
"Oh", she says and stares. "So, are you planning on anything more than that..?" she continues speaking rather slowly.
"Um, yes, eventually... I guess we will take him somewhere, we have it all planned out", I say. "Is he going their this week?" she asks.
"Oh no!!... we are planning on taking him in the summer... but until then I was just figuring he could ride around with me for a while... I think he would like that... he always liked going for car-rides.. except he liked to do the driving.. he doesn't have that luxury any longer"....I answer smiling.
The funeral lady pauses..."Well you know.. you could leave him here for a while longer, that way he wont get mixed up with other things.... yes, it might be best to keep him here," she concludes.
"Oh, well OK, I say, "but don't call my mom again about picking him up... she's had enough of everything".
The funeral lady takes my name... but doesn't take my number... I have a feeling that there's a notation: "DO NOT give the remains to this crazy fool....appears slightly unstable, and remote possibility the remains could be sold at garage sale".

So now, after happening upon the Wacky Southern Housewife's story... I know not to chuck ashes out at a changing tide, or into the wind... or to drop the box... none of that will happen.... because Russ might just hang(otherwise known as the R-U-M shack.. but he didn't drink Rum, he drank Vodka... the RM are his initials... and the U is simply for a horseshoe that he found...) out in his shed for a while.. until the family decides when we are going on our little adventure.

1 comment:

Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

I think you blew it when you said he liked car rides! I just bet this woman imagines you driving around for the next two years talking to him in the seat next to you!

I have a cousin-in-law, (couldn't put this on my blog) who's hubby passed away last year - he is in an urn in his lazy-boy in the living room, with his favorite baseball hat on the top of it.