Wednesday, October 27, 2004

When does someone know?

Now that I am unstuck by the blogger-gods, I have had a thought. I try not to come up with too many at a time... they confuse me.

I wrote the other day about "doileys", as a figure of speech. The big question that has me glazed over in thought at the moment is; at what point in your life do you become acquainted with doileys? When is it acceptable to start setting out doileys in your home? Do you have to be a certain age? What if your furniture doesn't match.....but you just start setting them out anyways... ? Do you need to launder the doileys all at the same time so the space doesn't become unbalanced, and all hell breaks loose. Wait a minute, hell is always loose in this home.. anyways, I am confused by this.

I know for certain that when I was growing up we didn't have doileys. Common sense tells me of course that my mother was way too bright to set them out... because my brother would have pulled all of them off their resting spots and hid them underneath the couch, that is all clear to me. But she has doileys now... and I am not clear on their date of arrival into the homeland. I am worried... does that mean that one day they will just spring up un-announced in my home... and then I will be a doiley-dweller because the doiley genes have been passed on to me? I want to know how I walked along so blindly, not noticing laced objects decorating the table tops....what I really want to know is ... did I give my sister money to be a part of a doiley gift-giving? ( She always gift - shops... and then adds the ... want to chip in....)

This of course is a lead up to the next big step.... at what point will I want to put on a starched tablecloth onto my kitchen table.... and have sensible seasonal centrepieces... I NEED TO KNOW THIS !!!!


Idgie @ the "Dew" said...

NEVER! Resist the urge! Doileys have no place in today's society - they were back in the age when women had nothing better to do that "tat" and knit all day and so therefore each home had about 1,000 of those things around. Like when we were little girls and made those tacky little potholders with nylon?

Also, I use flannel backed plastic topped tablecloths and always will. You know what's great about them? You buy them for about $5 - use them for a while, and then when you have a particularly messy disgusting dining experience - YOU THROW THEM AWAY!

Here's an ending thought that will make you feel better - I don't actually think you can even buy doileys anywhere except for those old lady magazines. So if you get a Dr. Leanords or a Harriett Carter - throw it away immediately and you should be safe.

riskybiz said...

You are thinking about them. They will arrive! Sooner than you think.
Oh no, my mother now has them.