Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When is right...

NOT right???

Well... I will get to that another time....

I went to go find some bears...

All I saw was a coyote that wished to cross the road, sniffed some stuff, and ran back into the woods.

THEN... a trollish looking man in a big green truck asked me if the black blob WAY up the road was a bear... for FUNS sake.. I said "why yes!"

And off he went....

Yes... get out of my way people.. I have some serious BEAR watching to attend to...

Actually, all SIX minutes of it.

Then I drove home.

Because that is what I do....

Can a person become any more boring than me....??

I waved at a person tonight because I thought it was my neighbour...

Well he looked like my neighbour... so yes... neighbour... you have a duplicate out there.

Went walking with the sister... because that is a good thing to do.

Her, being the nurse... and then me.. being a NOBODY!,  I have diagnosed her with exercise induced asthma... because she can't make it up the hill without stopping.. and she should be able to trot up the hill the same I way I trot up the hill... and I do not need to stop, or stop talking.. how FRUITCAKING ridiculous is that...? SO... after we stopped trekking up the hill, she was able to breathe again... I didn't stop breathing or talking... but that was just because I was testing myself....

and there you have it .. because you know tomorrow.. I will just give you more pictures to look at...

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