Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Monday!

On the list of things to do today:

  • DARN it all anyway... I have to go out for lunch! How nice is that!
  • I WISH to cut and sew the girls MayDay dress TODAY.
  • How does laundry always make it on the list?
  • Write and mail some letter to the Mayors!
Let me see... the easiest and simplest of tasks will be undertaken....

In other things:

That JimmyDean son of mine surprised me by playing a new song on the piano... get this..."A whole lotta shakin goin on... by wait... what's the name of it...I can't think of it this second.... but it's a zippy little number with big piano in it.... YOU know the one! (I guess I will have to get back to you on that).

I was down at the bear location... and the park manager guy and his wife have retired... now there will be replacement lodge keepers... I would love to live down there... must remember to ask the husbandman if we can go live down at the lodge, amongst the bears... deer, beavers and coyotes... it would be kinda cool!

OH... my friend Kim and I were talking... we decided that we do not want to know of ONE MORE person leaving on a plane to go to either Hawaii or Mexico. We are not interested, we don't want to hear it, we just don't care. WE have decided that we are the only TWO families left in CANADA that are not going anywhere! (EVER!) It's a good thing I got those passports!

In other even more useless details that make me chuckle! My boy wrote on my facebook status a while back that popcorn was my crack. I think he was right. I love the stuff... can't get enough of it. Now that I have given up the "white death" as I LOVE to call it... (breads, pastas, rice (all kinds!), noodly things, crackers, sugar, cakes, cookies, well... almost anything that is delectable!)... my most precious moments of happiness is my popcorn! I can add to anything I wish... and if I wish for olive oil and parmesean cheese... then so be it! So yesterday... I am driving home... with the girl... and I make a pitstop to collect some gas which is 11 cents cheaper.. when I decided I can not drive for ONE MORE second if I do not get my beloved popcorn! So I bought a bag of "old dutch" premium white cheddar popcorn.... and got my fix. I am so addicted. I didn't give a FAT CRACK ass how many chemicals it had in it... at least I had my fluffy whitestuff!

My boy-son JimmyDean asked the question of "what if the kernels were of semi-mediocre qualtiy with only occasional kernels popped"... is there such a popcorn? Yes, I told him... the popcorn gets ground up and added to rice cereal, and we feed it to our babies, as their very first food... and that is how the popcorn addiction really starts.

BUT you know... after this chemicalized bag of popcorn comes to an end... I might have to re-invest in such can not duplicate this taste by simply plugging in their hot air popcorn maker. Perhaps I will go to the hardware store and buy some industrial strength chemicals for GAWD knows what, and add that to my popcorn... I think only then will I have mastered this old dutch taste!

Well... must run!

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