Friday, February 26, 2010

uh oh.....

So.. the boy came home the other day.... with a swollen and damaged right index finger.

Ooops, that doesn't look good.

Yesterday.... he calls me.... "maybe take me to the doctor...." that boy of mine suggested.

OK... said that mother of his.

Walkin clinic first, and then emergency department second....

Reason being...  somebody could read that xray immediately, and let us know what's up with that boys finger.

Today I am calling the orthopedic surgeons office... for a follow up.

Seems kinda strange.. that such a little eency weency little tidbit on an xray could potentially change the course of ones life.

The emerg doc said bandage it up, don't use it for TWO weeks, and it should come out alright.

UHM.... said the mother... "should?".....

Well.... said the emerg doc... it might not heal properly, you might lose flexibility, you probably will be left with an enlarged knuckle, .... I stopped hearing at that point.

Uhmmm.... said the mother....

"this boy plays the piano......" I said to the emerg doc.

"Oh... so is he a prodigy, or a Mozart?... " he asks.

"not quite a prodigy, and maybe Mozarts long forgotten cousin..., but all the same, this is going to affect his game...." says the excitable mother.

Yes... will be calling the orthos office... for a speck of a piece of bone, that is attached to a speck of a piece of cartilage, that could just have a HUGE impact on the outcome of this boys piano playing abilities....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh oh!!!
