Friday, August 21, 2009

The secrets of me.

There are none.
The End.

Did I write about the party where the cops came? Too funny... four officers march into a backyard... prepared for something... and all they see is fourty plus year olds. (Sorry to those that are not in that range or wishing to be reminded you are in that range... me included).

What about when someone collapses on a street..... it isn't so easy to call a colleague over... I NEED SOME HELP HERE....!!!

I might consider giving up my walking group.....not that I wish to quit walking.. but rather that it makes me that I am walking with 77 year olds.

We have a beautiful NEW wonderfully flat and non pot holed road that was given to us this past week. It makes for walking around the crescent a tad bit more enjoyable.

THAT boy of mine started singing and playing the song from Sh.rek.. "Hallejulah". It is quite nice to listen to.. oh.. and he is learning the song from 54.40... something to do with a pearl... oh.. here he is... I'll ask... Ocean Pearl .... I like this boy.

Well.. enough stalling... must go colour the hair. The MUST should be have been in all CAPS.

1 comment:

Lost in Space said...

Thanks so much for the comment you left on my letting go post...

I'll bet those cops weren't sure what to think. (-;