Sunday, April 12, 2009

In bad form

So, I am an evil mother for LIEING to my children....

Social Services STEP right in....

Oh... sorry... did you once BELIEVE in the Easter Bunny as well....?

Do I have to pay for your therapy now too?


I was at work yesterday.... where I was in holiday mode... which just means that I choose to remain silent over issues that get discussed over the course of the day.

Not sure why this makes a big difference, but it does.

There was a woman who was a JC and the boys fellow fan club member that was working.... where she proclaimed that the easter bunny & the evil man in the red suit was just plain and simple lieing.

Fair enough.

Shall I pack up the chocolate eggs & Lindt bunny when the chicklets are forcibly removed from this wretched home...?

Perhaps I will also confess that I fed the children Wendy's last night as well......because really... is that a form of lieing... teaching your children that a chicken wrap and fries is adequeate nutrition...

What day and what time did I turn to be so evil and disturbed...?

I guess my lowley standards of teaching my children to treat others as you would wish to be treated; and the fact that even though the letter K comes in almost the middle of the alphabet, it is first and foremost the most important letter as to me it represents "kindness.".. which in my BLACKbook of motherhood is the ultimate in teaching my chicklets the importance of treating all things with.

But ... I am a liar non the less....

Oh... and Happy Easter.... hopefully all anew will bring blessings to you...
Unless of course you serve chocolate for breakfast...

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