Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break Day One

Day One:

It hasn't really started yet.

I have had my lovely peanutbutter and raspberry jam jumpstart. The coffee is just brewing. I have announced to the PIP, that today is the day.... that she can come with me to the group. Today is a good day for the PIP to come to the group with me... we are doing a craft. Not necessarily a bad "non-manly" craft.... but a craft that has some benefits!

This craft is something that we can work on for the week, and then people will find out about next week! I hope the plan works.

The dog is appearing a bit depressed this morning... as the husbandman decided not to take her with him to work. He said that he would take her another day, when we are out for the day. "Dog" doesn't understand that, and now is sadly sitting on the couch... oh wait... she always appears to be sadly sitting on the couch. "Dog" is her new nickname. It's a random name that sometimes we refer to her as. Similar to me calling her "Monkey... come on Monkey...", or "Miss!" She hasn't proclaimed that the only name that she will respond to is Ellpee.... so we give her much more than she has bargained for... and look... does she seem unhappy not really knowing her name in life:

The boy is not awake yet. I will make eye contact with him before I leave. I might even make him talk. I am talented that way. Similar to our renaming fashions... we do refer to him as "Boy".

Apparently I am doing springbreak all wrong. We are not jetsetting to some sunny location and spending gobs of money "doing things". I will save the airfare, and spend a bunch of money this week... doing things.

I will however think of a couple of my friends who have found their ways to Mexico mind you... and wonder how their tutti-fruitti drinks will be tasting by the poolside.

I will be ever so efficient to update on the springbreak adventures day one... as the world unfolds.... or better yet... prepare yourself for being disappointed!

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