Friday, February 08, 2008

Prep School.

The Pip and I had a good time last night.

I was invited (as well as ONE guest) to a celebration of service for employees within the health region. I have worked at my place of employment for 20 years. Yae me! (cough). It's a shame that my pension statement tells me that I actually only have 12 years of servicable hours on it.

Anyways... so the PIP and I go to this 'event'. We had to be fast in, and fast out. Yes, it was a highly hurried event... since we had a television show to watch, and a 25 minute drive back to our home.

We arrived at 7:01, found a table, plopped our coats, walked to the dessert buffet table, and politely took some plates and found our desserts of choice. The PIP relished the choosings.... and I was just happy to have dinner. What's a dessert buffet without cheeses and sliced Focacchia bread! So we ate our little plates of happiness, made some small talk with the only two other woman at the table, who just happened to be doing the exact same thing (eating and running), and we were all happy with our 28 minutes visit. The Pip went back for seconds on the watermelon, and I went back for another slice of cheese and bread. Of course we had eaten two slivers of cake, which was good as well.

The speeches/service award didn't start until 7:45, and we departed at 7:33, in the knick of time. we are good guests!

It was interesting though... I saw a whack of people that used to work at our hospital when it was a bit smaller, or maybe they do work their, and I just don't know it.

Anyways... that was our little bit of crazy fun, and it all ended well, because we were home by 8:00 to see the start of Survivor. (which has already had a strange start to it)

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