Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Well, that is enough damage for one day. I've fiddled with pictures and programs and edited... and all kinds of junk, the chicklets have been cropped, cartooned and deleted all in the same project. Tomorrow is a whole new day... who knows what I will figure out to do with them then!

Oh.. and the boy... being as laundry challenged as he is.... wanted to know what was wrong with the towels in the bathroom. What did I do to them, and how could I let something like that happen to the towels in the bathroom... because now he can barely used them. Son, that's what is called "hanging out on the line to dry". I told him. Obviously a foreign concept to the suddenly oblivious child.... "we have a line, to hang things on...??..." "No son, I just put hardening blocks in the dryer"... I say. "I thought you did something wrong"...

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